A Tough One

Yesterday was a tough one and today is turning out to be similar.  Every song that played during my two and a half hour drive home reminded me of Haylee.  I cried a lot.  I don't mind crying, it's a cleansing for me.  It is exhausting though.

I stopped and visited my cousin Janet, who lost her daughter about 100 days before I lost mine.  We had a nice visit and walked down to the park to see the deer.  There were many deer!  After I left her house I stopped at another friend's house.  I am lucky to have friends who let me drop in unexpectedly!

Today I planned a cookout with a few of Haylee's friends to share some happy stories.  It's a beautiful night for a cookout!  And Lord knows I'm in need for some silly Haylee stories and to laugh with her friends.

It was 100 days yesterday, I didn't know that until today.  Wow!


  1. I think of you and Haylee daily and remember all of you in my prayers...it is a long journey with many hills and valleys...just keep holding on to the love...it's what will see you through!


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