My Health Equation

I read a great blog today and learned a new equation:  Health = Recovery - Stress: [E (Workouts) + S (Stress)]   I used to teach accounting so I love a good equation.   This one is great because my life depends on it. 

I love the definition of recovery:  eating, sleeping, & taking care of yourself - massage, yoga, church, family.  It takes all three to make up the assets of my health.  Just like accounting, the goal is to have more assets then liabilities. 

So lets talk about those liabilities:  stress factors.   Working out (physical) is a stress reliever for me.  It is my job to determine how much I need to counter act the mental stress - stress enducers - work, family, money.   I can say I'm pretty even keel when it comes to anxiety and self-esteem.  I am lucky.

So back to the equation that Health = Recovery - Stress   The questions I need to ask myself everyday are:  Did you get enough sleep?  Did you make healthy food choices?  Are you making time for you?  If I am not doing all three of those, my assets are going to dwindle unless I happen to zero out the stress factors or liabilities.  It doesn't matter how much I work out or how much I like work if I don't have the assets or recovery part of the equation I will soon be bankrupt!

What a good lesson to learn.


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