Visiting Family

Yesterday afternoon, Carly and I hopped into my sister Margaret's new blue Honda and went visiting.  We stopped at all of Margaret's children's homes or future home.  She then showed me where she will be moving...all 4 of them will be about five minutes apart from each other.  How nice for them!

Since we were in the neighborhood of Resurrection Cemetery, I was able to try out my new key card to get us in to visit Haylee.  This was my first time visiting.  It wasn't as hard as I thought it might be.  Someone had left flowers in the little brass container on her niche and the brass plate with her name on it was there.  I really like the urn we chose for her, and the 'goodbye' frog is perfect.  I know she would like how it looks.

Margaret mentioned how lucky we were to visit her in air-conditioning, and that we didn't have to tend to overgrown grass and weeds around a head stone.  Carly showed Haylee she could do a cartwheel. It is so nice just sharing our lives with family.  It was a good day!


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