A Holy Man

My family is rich in faith. Many of my relatives belong to a religious order.  Two of my mother's sisters are nuns and several of her first cousins were priests.  Yesterday, we lost one of the holiest men I have ever met:  my mother's first cousin, whom I always called Bishop Bob.

To me, Bishop Bob glowed with holiness.  He was kind, soft spoken, caring and funny.  He listened with concern for the well being of all of us.  I am so lucky to have known him in a familiar way, thanks to the Quinn Family Reunion that has been going on for over 50 years now. We celebrate our heritage, strength, and faith every year.

I am thankful everyday for all of the wonderful characters in my family.

Quinn Family Reunion Mass:  Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus Robert W. Donnelly aka Bishop Bob and Fr. Tom Quinn


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