Still Counting the Days

Maybe I'm not keeping myself busy enough.  It seems that some moments I am consumed by grief.

A few 'strange' things have happened recently.  While waiting for my dad's wedding to begin last Saturday, I said to my sister Margaret "all three of my children are here".   Three!#%! I said three!  Very very weird to me.   Then, at the reception, I missed another opportunity for a family photo when we were all dressed up.

You see, Haylee missed alot of family events during the past three years.  So whenever a photo opportunity arrived, she was missing, so I wouldn't line up with the rest of my siblings and their families for an individual family shot.  But now, I just realized, I can get a family photo, and Haylee will be missing (as usual), only now,  that is what our family looks like now. So it's okay.

This is such an abnormal feeling for me.  But the 4th of July is coming and if we are all together (Derrick, Paul, Justine, and Steve, Carly, & Skylar), we will take a family photo!


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