Just Be Yourself

It's not always easy to stay true to myself.  I am constantly surrounded by people or things that give me a cause for reaction.  I have to continually remind myself that I ALWAYS have a choice.

I get to choose whether to fall into the trap of reacting without much thought, usually meaning that I become like who/what I am responding to OR I can take the high road, and do something different - the right thing.  Admittedly, I am not very good at the latter.  I am getting better though.

As a child, I remember many encounters with my mom.  We were alot alike and butted heads over most things.  As a parent, I see that pattern repeating itself with my son Derrick.  I know that my mom only wanted what was best for me and for me to grow...the same wish I have for all of my children.  I want them to be happy and to be the best they can be.

I find that certain people or triggers always get me to react the same way which usually means poorly.  It is easier to react in a way equal to the stimulus - like physics.  It is much harder to change the path, to grow, to do the right thing, and be kind, thoughtful and proud of myself for being the person I want to be.


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