Wow That Hurts

This picture points to exactly where I hurt!  Zoowie, Ouch, %$#!  The last time I had this much pain it I had shingles!

Actually, this pain is much different than the pain from shingles, which was more of a sharp, stabbing type.  The pain I have now is the result of doing an assisted pull-up. without enough assistance.  I (unknowingly) injured myself on Tuesday night during my teen class at the YMCA.   

My body notified me of this injury on Wednesday night around 4:00 a.m. when it woke me up with terrible pain!  Ibuprofen seems to take the edge off, but last night was no different.  I googled my symptoms and most people said it took a week!  Only five more days/nights to go!  Until then, there will be tears in my eyes and ibuprofen in my body.  I don't think I will ever try another pull up!


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