Sleeping In

I don't know about you, but when it is raining in the morning, I have a really hard time waking up.  Today was one of those days.  I had to drag myself out of bed to make breakfast and let my dog out...well, try to let him out.  Aiden does not like the rain, nor water of any kind.  So I had to walk him outside to a place under the tree so he could do his business.

Fortunately for me, the cool rain on my sleepy face helped to get me going and get ready for work.  Halfway to work, I realized that I forgot my lunch.  I thought to myself, how am I going to stay at work past lunch if I'm hungry?  I remembered, I still had some HMR protein shake there and knew I would be all set.  The day moved pretty fast as I have lots to do at work.  Can't wait until tomorrow, when I can sleep in as I'm taking a vacation day. I'm kind of hoping for a rainy morning...that quickly turns to a sunny day!


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