Alot of Nothing

I love it when my to do list has nothing on it.  Don't you? I suppose I could've put something on the list but I chose not to.  After all it is my list. 

I think that are culture trains us to be busy.  It's as if busy = purpose or value.  When really it does not.  Busy just means not having the time to do the things you really want to do.  Or sometimes, the time to do things that other people what you to do.

I made a point to do nothing today.  Nothing to me included walking my dog before CBS this morning came on. (It's my all time favorite morning show.) Watch Mass on TV (because my favorite morning show is on at the same time the only morning Mass is at my parish.) Finish the book I was reading and begin another while soaking up some sun and doing laundry.  I also went to the store for dog food and flea & tick - man that stuff is expensive!

So doing nothing means doing anything and everything I want to do just because I want to!


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