As Old As Jesus

At 4:15 p.m. on July 19, 1982, my oldest son Derrick was born.  Today he is as old as Jesus.  I always say that to those who turn 33. And yes, people look at me funny when I make that connection.

I remember the last OB appointment before giving birth.  My doctor stated that he believed that my baby was breech and sent me for an x-ray.  Sure enough, the full x-ray showed Derrick sitting on his butt with is chin up as opposed to head first with his chin tucked.  So my doctor said "What time tomorrow do you want to have you baby?" 

I was shocked and scared and said: I'm not having a baby tomorrow, how about on Monday?  So we scheduled a c-section for Monday.  Little did I know that that would be the longest weekend of my life.  I knew that I was having my first baby on Monday.  Everything went well and Derrick was a happy baby...which of course led to more babies. 

Today though, he is 33 years old as Jesus. 


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