Eyes Closed

Someone told me that you can work on your balance by walking with your eyes closed.  When I'm on an elliptical or AMT at the YMCA I always do several minutes with my eyes clothes.  Today I ventured out and tried to walk the 'straights' on the track with closed eyes.

Boy, was I in for a surprise.  I thought I was doing well, and after a dozen or so steps, I opened by eyes to see that I had crossed over four lanes!  So I tried again...still drifted.  So I walked the curve with open eyes and was on the next 'straight'.  I kept checking this time, caught myself, and corrected before crossing over more than two lanes.

I used the checking and correcting method for the next lap.  I was getting better, but seemed to bounce between the lines on my lane.  I found the more I focused and concentrated, the better I did.  I believe I can train my brain to do it!  I'll let you know when I can walk an entire 100 yards in my lane without checking and correcting.


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