
Merriam-Webster defines visit as: to go somewhere to spend time with (someone, such as a friend or relative).  Today I made two visits.  The first was with my Aunt Dorothy.  She lives in Tiffin and I was in Tiffin for work today so I stopped by the convent to see her.  Aunt Dorothy is one of my mom's three sisters and the one who looks the most like her.  We had a nice visit, talking of family and sharing photos.  She even treated me to a happy hour of cheese and crackers with a little wine. 

The second visit was with my old friend, turned sister-in-law, Marcia.  I had to drop of a reunion shirt for my brothers and ended up chatting for well over an hour.  We shared stories of work and family.  We come from similar families, each of us having several sisters and three brothers.  It's nice to bounce off  ideas, feelings, and frustrations with someone you've known for a long time and understands what you're going through.


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