
Whether it's used as a noun or a verb, the word notice means to be aware, or given warning, or in today's focus - attention or observation.  Well, one of the first things I noticed when I get to the lake was that Justine's scale is five pounds heavier than mine.  So while I was at the lake for four days my weight did not look pretty, but it did continue to go down.  At least it's still moving in the right direction.  When I got home, I indeed had dropped weight in nine days I am down over 10 pounds.

There are many other things besides the number on the scale to notice.  I, like many others, am sometimes unaware of what I am putting in my mouth.  Mindless eating is not for good health.  During the past week, my eyes have been reopened to notice what I am eating.  I plan what I'm going to eat for the day...and do not stray.  I know that when I do this I am most successful.  This is something that I must not stop doing.  Planning my meals is a tool that works for me.

I am also noticing that my clothes are fitting better.  And yesterday, a co-worker said that my skin looked great!  It's amazing how quickly our body will heal itself when we give it a chance!


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