Work is Hard!

This is not a picture of what my coworkers received today...but it is what happened.  And I'm sad to say...not much has improved after a full days work from me...their technology director.  I do not like days like today and fortunately they don't happen that often.  In fact, I believe it has been over two years since the last network outage has occurred.

Saying that (above) makes me feel just a little bit better.  But just a little.  The feeling I'm having is building on the feeling I had in my softball game last night.  I played 1st base and only caught one of a dozen throws!  (To my defense, they were ALL bad throws!)  I'm the first baseman, and I'm supposed to catch EVERYTHING!  I was taught: if the throw touches your could've/should've caught it!   Where within, I am the technology director:  I should solve ALL network problems...immediately!  (Which means:  within seconds of their occurrence!) seems as though I am continually feeling inadequate.  This MUST change!  Tune in tomorrow to see if I turn this around!


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