Something to Look Forward to

Sometime over this past weekend I heard something: In order to be happy you need something to look forward to. A light bulb went off in my head as I said tomyself:  Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

Sometimes I spend too much time thinking about things or worrying about people that I forget to plan something or to just do something.  As a young mother of four children, my neighbor asked me how I stayed so happy.  I remember saying that I don't have time to worry - besides, my mom does all of my worrying for me.  When did I become my mother?

So...what do I have to look forward to?  Going to work in the morning?  ----Actually yes, going to work is something to look forward to.  I spent a couple of the past six years unemployed so it's nice to be going to the same place and learning new things everyday for the last three years!  


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