
Today's focus is detox and I'm reading about some of the symptoms I may have at the beginning of this program: bad breath, constipation, achy, flulike feeling, fatigue...offensive body odor!  Why do 'they' always warn you of side effects?  I think they're trying to scare you away from it because if I would of read about the body odor before this I wouldn't have started!  All kidding aside, I slept well except for the three times I woke up to pee! 

I started peeing alot more than usual last evening, without even drinking beer :),  and low and behold I lost five pounds of water!  I have to mention that when I started this, I had weighed the same for a week, between 190-192.  But on the first day, I weighed in at 196.6.  [Don't you just love a woman's ability to gain five pounds of water overnight?]

So as you can tell, I'm feeling pretty chipper this morning.   I'm drinking a green smoothie, with kiwi, lime, mint, kale and chia seeds.  It's pretty tart but doable.  The sky is super blue this morning and I'm sure it will be a great day!


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