
The focus for today is satisfy.  Mother Nature sure came through with a beautiful day!  I was able to get a walk in with Aiden and a workout for myself.  I'm supposed to answer questions each evening, as I go through these next 10 days.  So here goes: How am I feeling physically today?  I am feeling pretty darn good right now.  With the perfect weather and a nice soak in the tub, I'm good.  I feeling happy, due to the blue sky, and that I followed day one menus without any lengthy, if any, cravings.  I did go to the pantry once and spotted a granola bar...but I left it and all it's sugar for Carly.

I'm glad I'm taking these 10 days for me.  I remember how great I felt when I ate healthy and took care of me.  I remind myself that nothing tastes as good as being the right weight feels!


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