
Our thoughts control our actions.  Today's focus is think.  I read somewhere that we have thousands of thoughts per hour.  That's hundreds of thoughts per minute!  It's truly an amazing amount of brain power we are given to take charge of our body.

I am lucky that many of my thoughts are positive.  But I'm also plague with stinkin' thinkin'.  I learned that term of negative thinking about 30 years ago in an Al-anon meeting.  It was referring to the times I let my brain believe that I wasn't good enough, or that I didn't deserve to be happy.

Our thoughts determine our behavior.  I remember my favorite saying or mantra I used eight years ago when I lost 70 pounds and kept 60 of it off for nearly five years. "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels." I also used to say: You only get one body, so you better take care of it.  Along with: If you don't care of yourself, no one else will.

Today's thought to myself is all of those and to keep up the good work.  I am worth it!


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