Walking My Dog

On most evenings, weather permitting, I take my dog Aiden for a walk.

Walking your dog is supposed to be good for both you and the dog.  It relieves stress and anxiety in both of you.  Most of the time, I would agree that this is true. But today, this beautiful spring day, similar to the one a little over a year ago, I thought of Haylee walking Lola. (I think my grief angel, Clarence, just wanted to pay a visit.)

So, I'm walking around the park, with the sunshine in my eyes, smiling and greeting other walker's I pass.  I remember thinking of how happy Haylee must have been that 9th day of April, as she walked her dog.  I remember that thoughts like that gave me peace then and give me peace now as I think about them again.

But my thoughts are not always like that, as sometimes I choose to be afraid to walk my dog; Afraid that I may get hit by a car as I do it.  I don't feel safe.  Everytime I see a black Ford Focus, I think of the car that struck Haylee.  It is times like that when I have to take a breath, and look up to the clear blue sky and sunshine and remember that life is good and Haylee was happy at the end of her life.


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