Getting Ready

I've been struggling for a couple of years with my health.  I'm not sick or anything, I just don't feel as healthy as I had been before.  Eight years ago, when I won the WITW contest from the YMCA, Mercy Health Care, and WTOL, I lost 70 pounds and did not take any medication.  I wore a size 8 or 10 and weighed in the 150's.  I maintained this for a few years but after I  turned 50, I seemed to gain 10-15 pounds a year.  I slowly grew out of size 10s, into 12s, and now I try to wear 14s.

Today, I still don't take any medication - probably because I don't go to the doctor to check to see if I need any - my weight is in the 190's and the size 14 clothes I wear are tight.  I sleep pretty well but I feel like a slug most days.  I just don't have the energy I used to and my body aches.

A few weeks ago, I decided to do something about it.  I read the book: The Blood Sugar Solution, 10-Day Detox Diet by Mark Hyman, MD.  What I read, made a lot of sense to me, as I haven't  been eating as healthy as I was 6 or 7 years ago.  I decided to do it and have been preparing for a few days.  I spent today making a couple of soups and chopping up vegetables so they are ready for me to eat.  (Something I stopped doing about a year ago.)

So for the next 10 days, this blog will journal my experience and answering the focus questions of the day.  If I'm really brave, I may even put my measurements along with my weight out here.  I'm ready so let's do this!


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