
I noticed that today's focus was not notice but listen.  So I had to edit my previous post. Listen is similar to the verb notice as it helps you to be aware, to pay attention, to give an ear and hear a sound. So I will be tuning into to my body and try to hear what it's saying.

Believe it or not, my waist measurement is down two inches in five days!  I really was retaining fluid.  I also noticed that my bones ached yesterday.  That's something I don't usually feel.  Thank goodness, today they don't feel that way.  My muscles, which I have a lot of are trying to get used to the fact that I'm not retaining as much fluid.  I'm not as inflamed as they had been and they're adjusting with cramping, reminding me where everyone of them resides in my body.  I'm thankful that that too, seems to have subsided for today.

I am totally amazed that the inflammation that my entire body was having is going away without the help of ibuprofen! For that I am totally grateful for making the decision to do this '10-Day Detox Diet.'


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