Rest or Lazy

I try not to have much to do on Sundays.  I'll admit, Mass, may or may not be on the list.  Most of the time I hear the Mass on TV at 11:30.  I went to bed at my my usual time around 10 pm. last night so I was fully rested by 7.  I decided to use the pie crust my brother Chuck left in my refrigerator at Christmas time.  So I made Quiche Florentine with eggs, coconut milk, spinach and green onion.  It was delicious!

I headed to the YMCA for some cardio and strength training and spent ten minutes before and after in the sauna.  I love the sauna!  After tutoring for an hour, I was able to head home to relax.  It seems that all I've done since then is snack, drink tea, and watch TV.  I kind of feel lazy although, since I worked out today, I'll call it rest!


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