Something is Coming

I have got to believe that my innerself is telling me something good is going to happen because Lord knows, I don't want it to be anything less than good.  All that I know is that I've been stirring.  Perhaps it's the pressure I put on myself when I procrastinate.  (I've been putting off some things that have to do with Haylee's estate.)  Or perhaps, I'm excited that Justine got a better job than the great one she's had for the past year or so.  Or maybe, it's because I need to fix my car, start my taxes, finish end of the quarter things at work... or... anything else on my to do list.

Whatever it is, I'd better figure it out soon as the anxiety I'm feeling is building and starting to affect my daily life in ways that are not good for me.    God, grant me the serenity, to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.


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