Nine Months

Dear Haylee,

You have been on my mind so much today. I thought it was because it is so near to your birthday, which I'm sure is part of it.  Then I realized that today, it has been nine month's since you last took Lola for a walk.

I look at my dog Aiden, and how much he turns to me for love, support, understanding, food, water...whatever dogs think, and I wonder how Lola is doing without her Haylee.  I'm sure Linda is taking good care of her.

 I talked with my cousin Janet today.  She lost her daughter Heather in January to brain cancer.  Talking with others with similar loss helps some. 

I also received a letter today from the prosecutor's office, that sentencing in your case will take place in ten days........I remind myself that I know that you are happy where you are.  That you are accepted and get to be the real you ALL of the time.  I love you and miss you.  I am glad that you are happy.

I love you.


PS   We are going to toast to you on your birthday at your favorite bowling alley!


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