
I've been struggling these past few days.  Life has been weighing me down with grief, family unemployment, aches, pains, and frigid cold weather. I realized that I'm focusing on these 'problems' and not taking care of me.  My family, and myself, are going through growing pains...again.  We are changing into a new version of us.

Growing pains are not new to me, as they are a part of life.  Most of the time I'm pretty good with coping with them.  But sometimes, they get the best of me and I choose to wallow in them.  I  become sedentary.  I forget to eat my fruits and vegetables.  And although I drag my body to the YMCA each day for a little cardio, I become a slug.

I had two chances today to be with other people, share stories, and enjoy life, but I chose to do neither.  Granted, sometimes it is good to be alone and to reflect.  Not much reflecting happens on the couch watching movies.

Then I remembered that there were a few new puzzles in the house. So I got off the couch and went downstairs to build one on the table as I did laundry. (May as well multitask!)  I chose the cardinals.  It took me less than two hours to complete the 300 piece puzzle.  I started to feel alive the moment I started.  Once I had found all of the edges and constructed the border, I knew I was on my way to making it through another day.  I was remembering the things that I like to do to pass time.  I had forgotten about puzzles.

Life is a puzzle...if some of the pieces are missing...you have to start a new one.


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