My Journey to Better Health

Several months ago, I acknowledged that my weight was going in the wrong direction for too long of a time.  I had gained nearly 40 pounds in four years...after keeping off the 70 pounds I had lost four years before that.  So I began another journey toward health.  I lost nearly 25 pounds in three months. Then December happened.

At the beginning of the month, I paid attention to my calories and exercise.  I even purchased a Jawbone fitness tracker to help keep me on track.  Halfway through the month, I totally fell off the program.  I barely had more than one fruit or vegetable a day when I had been eating at least five for months.  I hardly drank water and Christmas cookies were becoming a staple.

Needless to say, I began to gain weight.  At the beginning of this week, I weighed in at 187.2.  That's about seven pounds more than I did at Thanksgiving.  So...I'm trying to get back into my healthy routine of drinking lots of water (with lemon) and eating at least 5 servings of fruits or vegetables daily.  I will continue to workout at least 5 of 7 days.

Cheers to good health!


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