The Letter P

Today's thought is brought to you by the letter 'P'.

When I listen to or read as other people tell the story of their lives, it brings perspective to mine. Merriam Webster defines perspective as a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.  If a person isolates themselves from others, then they miss out on gaining perspective. I believe, that is why God put so many people in our lives and perhaps on this earth, to help change our perspective and learn to cope with our lives, our humanness.

There is always someone who is struggling more than me.  There is always someone who has it easier than me.  Social networks allow plenty of people to politely post their practically perfect account of their lives online.  Although some are not always polite about posting, I find that most are.  I read alot of information online each morning, from the news to social networks.  I click on links that other like minded people post and gain new perspectives as I apply the information to my life.  

I do have a pet peeve about spelling grammar, and punctuation - I can take an occasional error, but when there are many, I cannot read on.  And to those of you who use 'foul' or 'explicit' language whether written or spoken...I just can't.  

(On a side note, as I looked for an image with the letter 'P', I was overwhelmed by the number of choices. Then I saw cookie monster and he made me smile!)  I hope this post altered your position on the circumstance you are personally dealing with today.


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