Restless Night

It's a little after 5 in the morning and I've already had breakfast.  My alarm doesn't even go off until 5:30.  I've been awake since 4:18 and decided to just get up. I don't think it was something I ate, but it could have been as I did snack after 8 p.m. last night, but I did not sleep well.  Anxiety has been haunting me.  I have been so distracted.  I need to find my center.  I need my inner peace so that I can be one with my world. (Carly and I watched Kung Fu Panda 2 yesterday.)

So here it is, twelve hours later and let me tell you what came today.  There was a beeping coming from the server room...a hard drive went down. Repairing it caused what seemed to be a lengthy interruption to Internet service (15 minutes downtime).  Several older wireless access points have been acting up so I considered adding similar guest access points to newer devices.  We had a fire's like 28 degrees...brrrr.  

The good news the end of the day those things were fixed...too bad they were not on my list of things to do today.  Right now... Cabernet Sauvignon is calling my name...not sure about the YMCA.


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