Work Hard

Have you ever left work feeling exhausted but great because you accomplished alot?  That's how I felt today.  I walk into the building at 7:30 a.m. and walked out of it at 5:00 p.m.   I think I had to play all of the parts of my technology/teaching position:  I worked on the phone system, and solved a wifi issue.  I helped others with their printing issues, fingerprinted someone and showed some teachers how to save time.  Oh yeah, and I taught fourth graders too.

As I was teaching the fourth graders, who had to log on to three different programs with three different, though similar, user names and passwords, I explained to them how important it was for them to remember all of their different IDs.  In the past, I had tried to make all of the students' log in information the  same for each program.  I DO NOT do this anymore.  This is our life in this information age.  The fourth graders will think of different logins as part of life, and not complain as much as adults do now.  They are learning to be successful in their world.

I really like my job, especially when I'm helping others understand how technology is saving them time. 


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