The Scale After Eight

Total loss of 15 pounds.
Two months ago I made a decision to invest in myself.  I set a goal to lose 50 pounds before spring.  I weigh in on Monday mornings and once again, the scale did not disappoint.  I'm down another pound. I weighed nearly 210 pounds that day in September when I said enough was enough.

It took a little while for me to decide on a plan of attack. I chose Nutrisystem, placed my first order and began their plan about 10 days later when the food arrived. 

I've just finished my breakfast of pancakes, spinach and an egg.  I am full.  I will be leaving for Thanksgiving holiday with family in North Carolina.   I will not be following the NS plan exactly, having dinners on my own. 

I'm not too worried as I've learned alot about myself and how the plan works.  Nothing tastes as good as feeling healthy.


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