I Like to Drive

I don't know about you, but driving calms me.  I think it's because I've gotten many miles in. Whether I was driving to and from Angola Indiana in the early 80's or home for the holidays from Pensacola, Virginia Beach or most recently, ten hours to North Carolina for a family getaway.

This last trip there were three of us in the car.  We listened to an audio book on the way.  I highly recommend doing that. My 11 year old granddaughter picked out the book: I Am Princess X by Cherie Priest.  It did not disappoint!  It lasted 6 of the 9 or so hour trip.  The sky was blue and the traffic was pretty light.  I drove the entire way as my son Paul was afraid he would get a speeding ticket that he couldn't afford.

As all of us are Michigan fans, we listened to THE game on the way home.  It was a pretty good story for about three hours, then, with one interception, it turned for the worse.  We were not very happy with the outcome.  But our hearts will remain true:  Go Blue!


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