Crunchy and Salty

I have learned alot about myself in my over fifty years of life.  I know that I am kind and smart.  (or kinda smart!) I know that I can be argumentative.  I know that I love my family and chocolate.

I learned alot about life too.  There are big things, like people, relationships and feelings.  And there are little things: everything else.  I don't like knowing that I'm not in charge but I like knowing that God has a plan for me.  One of the hardest things I've learned is that joy and sorrow are connected.

I am an emotional eater.  That means, I eat when I'm happy, or when I'm upset.  Before I eat, I have to remind myself to think the last time I've eaten. Am I really hungry?

I know that sometimes, I just want crunchy and salty.  Nothing else will do.  I know this about myself.  So I had to learn to measure out a serving size and savor every ounce of the one ounce serving for 140 calories...portion control is key.


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