The Scale After Seven

My scale did not disappoint and continues to head in the right direction. I'm down another pound --- Yipppeee!

The greatest part about this is that I'm no longer afraid that the number on the scale will begin with a two.  I am solidly in the 190s.  I believe this is a little less than the weight I was at before my first foot surgery in March of 2016. Recovery from that surgery restricted me to eight weeks of non-weight bearing mobility, followed by weeks in the boot.

By the time I had the second surgery six months later, in September, I had gained twenty pounds. I could not afford do that again, so I joined a Group Lifestyle Balance plan and committed to a year of meetings. 

I didn't gain any weight during that time which included the same non-weight bearing restrictions as the first surgery.  I am grateful for not gaining weight during that year but needed to do more.  That's when I made the decision and financial commitment to the Nutrisystem Plan.  I can afford three more months of the plan and refuse to waste my hard earned dollars by not following it.

I can do this!  Nothing tastes as good as feeling great feels!


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