The Scale After Vacation

Last Monday I headed south for a week of 'flexing' with the family.  The number on the scale is a little disappointing, up a little over a pound.  I was hoping to stay the same.  But with the two 10 hour  car trips with little activity and Thanksgiving fixings, it's not too bad.

I did alot of walking three out of the four days I didn't spend in the car.  One of those days was mostly stairs on the way to 2280 feet of elevation on top of Chimney Rock Park.  Funny thing was going down the stairs was alot harder than going up!  My ankle has been complaining ever since.

Got back on the Nutrisystem plan yesterday.  A lot less 'flexing' is in store for me.  December is packed with holiday parties, beginning this Friday when I host mine.  Everything in moderation. Nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels. I've got this!


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