
Corner shelf of Santas and Nutcrackers
It's the Sunday after thanksgiving...time to start decorating for Christmas! My watch says I have nearly 6,000 steps and I'm about halfway finished!  The tree needs some major fluffing before it can be decorated.

I host an annual Ladies Night Out event on the first Friday of December so I have to complete the task of decorating by then.  Depending on the year, anywhere between 15-35 ladies come to exchange ornaments, eat, drink and visit.  We've been doing it for 27 years.

I still haven't decided what I'm serving.  My guests expect a Reuben Dip so that's on the menu.  I will also have veggies and hummus to keep filled with fiber.  Desserts will vary as my guests tend to bring them.

My boys raked the leaves and strung the lights on the house so all that is left is up to me.  I hope I don't procrastinate much!


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