
It's the 3rd Saturday of January and it is supposed to be near 60 degrees.  In fact, it's already 46°!

Since I woke up at my usual weekend time of 6:30 or 7:00, (I do have a dog) I plan to get things done.  After breakfast I will head to the YMCA for a 30 minute cardio workout.  I hope to do strength and stretching before I head home.

By then, it should be just a little bit warmer and my (fatter than usual) dog Aiden and I will head to the nearby park for a walk.  He hasn't been walked much since my foot troubles.  (So we're both 'fatter' than usual!)

Soon all that will change as we get back to our normal active selves.  I'm just wondering what that will look like. Enjoy your weekend!


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