
The dictionary defines perception as a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression.  Becoming aware of something is the first step to change and during the past twelve weeks, I have been (re)educated on the health of my body.  I have metabolic syndrome: a high risk factor for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.  Although this is not good news, it is good that I am aware of it and can change my risk factors.

Ten years ago, I weighed 240 pounds.  I was taking medicine to reduce my low HDL cholesterol and overall, I felt terrible.  To be honest, I looked terrible too.  So I entered and won a contest that afforded me a personal trainer, YMCA membership, and the Healthy Solutions program from Mercy Weight Loss.  The program lasted nine months and I lost 90 pounds and no longer required medicine.  I felt great!

I learned how to eat well, exercise daily, and I felt good...for about five years.  Then life happened, stress increased and I stopped taking care of me.  I gained about 10 pounds during the first five years after the program and remained that way until about four years ago when I began having foot pain.  The pain led me to exercise less causing my stress level and my weight to increase.

Regardless of how I got to where I am today, at 205 pounds, I need to make changes.  So I'm back at Mercy Weight Loss, learning about what excess pounds do to the body and also how I can make changes. I've lost nearly 10 pounds since I started and can be more active now since my doctor released me since the 2nd surgery on my left foot in September.  It is my goal to understand how my body works and make the changes necessary for me to decrease the risks factors I have now.  I will get back to a healthy life style!



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