My Fake ID

 CSHS 1977 Homecoming (I'm 16)
Last night at dinner, I was telling the story of how I acquired my first and only fake ID. Back in 1977 or so, I walked into the DMV and stated that I had lost my drivers license.  So I filled out the paperwork:  Name, DOB. SSN...etc.  only the information I entered was that of my sister Barb, who was born in 1958, and I was born in 1960.

I signed my name, as Barbara A. Herman, and they took my photo! Viola!  I am now two years older than before.  AND the drinking age at that time was 18 for everyone.  Now you have to remember that OHIO was one of the last states to totally convert to being the age of 21 to purchase alcohol in the '80s.  So I was a bit upset when I really turned 18 and was allowed to buy alcohol in the 70's and they changed it to 21 ... before I was 21 in 1981.

But that's not what this story is about.  This story is about my sister Barb my bestest friend.  As I was driving home from dinner, Bette Miller's song The Wind Beneath My Wings came on.   I couldn't believe it.  My sister Barb was my hero.  She was the driver of all of my friends and I.  She created a group of spirited young people called the Headmen Headers.  She made the dress I am wearing in the homecoming picture above.  She was everything.  She helped my mom by supporting all of her younger siblings.  They all look up to her. She was a role model.  She was fun.  AGAIN I say, most of all, Barb was fun.  I love you Barb.  I miss you.

Barbara (Herman) Corbin 11/10/58 - 3/13/98


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