Massage Monday

It's been a while since I've had a massage Monday, but Tony at 3D Wellness squeezed me in to help me resolve the mystery of numbness in my left thumb and right pinkie that I've been having since my foot surgery.  I think my whole body is out of whack from wearing a boot and/or using crutches and knee scooter for six months during the past 12 months!

Turns out, my neck and shoulder muscles were pretty tight.  (I'm sure that's not related to everyday stress...she said sarcastically!)  So after about an hour of massage and manipulation, I'm looser for sure.  My hip and legs are in need too so I hope to get back soon for more relief.   

This who foot pain experience has taught me something:  don't let things get this bad before seeking help.  I am also learning that I need to get back into my regular monthly massages with my regular masseuse,  I will find the time and the money to take care of my muscles!


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