Daily Post

Have you ever felt that there isn't enough time in the day to do all of the things on your todo list; let alone the things you want to do?  If you said yes, then you know how I feel today.  In fact, it's how I've felt for the past couple of weeks.

I am so unfocused.  My mind is scattered...bouncing from thoughts to lists....to people, places, events...all of which I hope to attend to.  But reality sets in and I know that I can't make them all.

I don't like it when I find at the end of the day, I did not complete the things that I set out to do.  It deflates me.  Yet, I would rather quit work at a 'normal' time instead of working until my list is complete.  Even then, I'm usually running late so that my at home list is never complete LET alone my personal list ... which for some reason is last on the list of priorities.

One of the most important personal things I do, is to write this daily blog.  I love to write.  It is a healing, growing,  wonderful outlet that I need.  As a single woman, I don't have that special someone to share my hopes, dreams, and fears with.  I have all of you...and for that I am grateful.


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