5 Years Ago

Waiting for the TFD Investigator to complete his task.

(The airing deck above is where I 1st went out to investigate the beeping (fire alarm) and found my yard filled with smoke and saw flames coming out of the basement window.)
I just remembered that a little over five years ago, on August 4th, 2010, I was awakened by the sound of my smoke detectors.  It's hard to believe it was so long ago.  Once I found my way out of the house, I remember thinking things like:  Can we use our own water & hose to put the fire out or do we have to wait for the fireman?  What's the protocol?  (Who says that?)  I also remember sitting on my neighbors porch watching the fireman, who are all good looking by the way.  I was thinking:  Fireman in my bedroom, my dream come true...but here I sit on my neighbors porch.

I loved my house then and I love it even more now that I have a new kitchen, baths, and central air.


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