
I remember when my sister Barb died, one of my mom & dad's friends, stood up and said "we need to share the stories of Barb".  It's about the stories.  I took that as my cue to share some of my Barb stories at her funeral the next day. 

I had never spoke in front of 500+ people before.  I know I was nervous and thirsty, but that didn't stop me from sharing my stories.  I am so glad that I decided to speak/eulogizes my sister Barb.  It helped begin my grieving process.

I find it interesting that when older people die, like my grandma at 84 or my mother at 72, there are many stories to tell.  But in the case of my sister Barb, who died at 38 and my daughter Haylee, who died at 30, there are less people willing to share their stories.  As Haylee's mom, I have hundreds of stories of her growing up.  But after she turned around 21 or so, I have less.  I love hearing stories of Haylee and can't wait for you to share your story of her with me.


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