Early to Wise

I think it was Ben Franklin who said:  Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

That is a thought I've always agreed with...at least the healthy part.  I can say that I'm pretty healthy. I don't take any medication aside from the occasional ibuprofen.  But as a single mother of four, with a single income from a Catholic school, I'm certainly not wealthy unless wealth is measured in all things but dollars.  As for the wisdom part, I'd like to think I grow in wisdom each day.

When I woke up a little after four this morning, instead of my usual 5:30 work day schedule, I decided to just get to my day.  I started thinking about what I was going to write about and wrote the title to this post.  Now my intention was to call it:  Early to Rise.   But as you see, I made an error.  I went to fix the error and decided I liked this title better: Early to Wise.

I believe all of the events in our lives are opportunities for wisdom.  Life events change us. They mold us and help us to become who we are supposed to be:  kind, loving, patient, servants of the earth.  I think we forget our purpose when we try to be all of the things that our American culture tells us we should be...instead of following our instincts.  God made us like Him.  Trust in Him and trust your heart.


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