The Busiest Week

Why do I always seem to forget that the week before school is probably the busiest time for me.  It's a time when I do more for others than for me.  Why do I always seem to forget that?

It's a week full of in-service, professional development, hooking up, and troubleshooting.  It's a week where I really have to listen to other teachers, and help them ready themselves and their classroom for the school year.  The thing is that all of the teachers are different.  Some arrive on the first day they are allowed back into their classroom, (over two weeks before the 1st day).  While others don't show up until much later.

Everyone has the same urgency to finish setting up their room, get their class lists, and check that everything works.  ...I've just realized what this week has done for me: I can't wait until school starts!


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