I Am Me

Who Am I or What Defines Me?  I've been pondering these questions lately as I struggled, consumed by the loss of Haylee.  I decided a few days ago that her death does not define me.  Just as her birth did not define me.  Sure both of these events added to my life.  In fact, they are major events in my life and will always have a profound effect on how I look out into the world.  Life events help mold us into who we are.

My sister Rosi said something the other day about suffering.  If we do not suffer, we do not grow. We do not change.  We stay the same and expect things to be different.  When will we realize that things are always the same and it is we, as human beings, that are different?  Everyone acts or reacts to the events in their lives in some way.  I always have choices - we all do. What will I do with the events in my life today?  How will I let them mold me?  Growing up is hard work and I don't ever want to stop!


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