Feast of Family

“In a world often marked by egoism, a large family is a school of solidarity and of mission that’s of benefit to the entire society,” Pope Francis said.  “Every family is a cell of society,” the pope said, “but large families are richer and more vital cells.”  I belong to a very large family.  Both of my parents are the youngest of six children and they gave birth to eight children.  I am third and I gave birth to four children.  Currently, I have three grandchildren.

Last night we all met to celebrate Christmas with my dad.  There were over 50 of us present!  We had lots of fun and enjoyed each other.  We may not always agree with or even like each other, but we love our dad and we love each other.  We have suffered alot of together.

The pope also said that when families “breathe the air of faith together, they can face difficult challenges together.” He said the example of the Holy Family, meaning Mary, St. Joseph, and the infant Jesus, “inspires us to offer human warmth to all families, [and also] our concrete solidarity for families that are facing illness, a lack of work, discrimination, [or] the necessity to immigrate.”

God Bless Us Everyone!


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