23 Years

It is the first Friday of December and I will be hosting my annual Ladies Night Out Ornament Exchange.  A night when my friends join me at my house for fellowship, food, and fun. 

We play a game of exchange via a 'chinese auction' although it's not really an auction at all.  It's a way to open, steal, or receive a new ornament.  I learned about this type of party while living in Virginia Beach as the wife of a Naval Officer.   Our husbands were deployed and the wives got together for some fun.

After divorcing and moving back home to Toledo, I started up a tradition of my own.  I've been doing this for over 23 years!  (I didn't have one four years ago, due to the fire in my house in 2010. This year, I'm feeling a little blue and decorated my tree with blue accents.  It turned out great!  The rest of the house is decorated and this evening 20-30 of my friends and family will join in the festivities. 


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