54 Years

I turn 54 years old today. 

Birthdays are days when people wish you well and I believe they genuinely glad that you were born.  As a single person, my family and my kids are the ones doing the wishing.  Since my kids were too little to plan something, my mom and dad would have me over for dinner and cake.  I always chose orange roughy as the main course.  She'd make a cake and everyone would sing.  After she passed away, hearing the happy birthday song is more sporadic...a phone call or a class of students passing me in the hall at school. 

Since the coming of facebook, birthday wishes are abundant.  I must say this form of appreciation brings warmth to my heart.  When one of my facebook friends are having a birthday, I make it a point to send Cheers to them!

Let's face it, my 53rd year of life was a tough one and I'm glad that it's over.  I want to make this year a year of love and kindness.  I hope for happiness and peace for my kids.  I promise to take care of myself so that I can be there for them and for their children.  It's going to be a good year.


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