
Showing posts from January, 2017

One Month Down

Can you believe that January is already over?  Where did it go?  It seems like I missed it.  I don't like it when I'm so busy that month's fly by without notice.  I think having 4-6 appointments after work each week is taking a toll on me.  I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend at the lake.  I haven't been there since early November! Just think Christmas will be over in 11 months!

It's Not Personal


Little or No Pain

When I woke up this morning, I noticed that I  hardly felt a thing while going down the stairs.  I don't know if it because it's been 120 days since surgery, massage therapy, physical therapy, losing 10 pounds, or not wearing orthotics.  All I know is it felt good to feel less pain.

My Fake ID

 CSHS 1977 Homecoming (I'm 16) Last night at dinner, I was telling the story of how I acquired my first and only fake ID. Back in 1977 or so, I walked into the DMV and stated that I had lost my drivers license.  So I filled out the paperwork:  Name, DOB. SSN...etc.  only the information I entered was that of my sister Barb, who was born in 1958, and I was born in 1960. I signed my name, as Barbara A. Herman, and they took my photo! Viola!  I am now two years older than before.  AND the drinking age at that time was 18 for everyone.  Now you have to remember that OHIO was one of the last states to totally convert to being the age of 21 to purchase alcohol in the '80s.  So I was a bit upset when I really turned 18 and was allowed to buy alcohol in the 70's and they changed it to 21 ... before I was 21 in 1981. But that's not what this story is about.  This story is about my sister Barb my bestest friend.  As I was driving home from dinner, Bette Miller's song

A Good Soak

Suzy's Zoo Cross Stitch I love a good soak in the the tub!  Until last night, I hadn't had one since May 2016.  I must say, it was worth it!  Soaking allows your body to relax and release.  Release of all the toxins of the day.  God bless the tub!

Flat Feet

I am struggling with the idea that I am not normal!   Ha ha I say laughing at myself.  But really, my feet are flat and probably have been going in that direction my whole life only now they are about as flat as they can go.  I should've realized this when I went from a size 7 1/2 to 9 1/2 in my adult life. Last week, I decide the orthotics I have were not helping me.  After a week of never wearing them, I'm know that I need something to help me walk.  I have several shoes that work for me, some more than others.  I don't like wearing the same shoes all of the time. (Never have, never will.)  I did used to only wear one brand though and now I wear more. What I need to do is find the athletic shoe that works best for my new foot reality.  Currently I wear several brands - but I have to pick the style for flat feet or over-pronators like me.  I have Merrels, New Balance, Vionic, and Ascis.   Anyone have any suggestions?

Good for My Heart

I love to eat!  I keep an open mind when I try new foods.  There are not too many foods in this world that I don't like.  The problem is that I'm not always good at choosing foods that are good for me and my body.

Don't Cheat Yourself

I admit it...sometimes I do not log all of food/drink I have in my fitness pal app. Now that I have that off my shoulders, I have to figure out why I do that.  I'm only hurting myself when I'm not honest with my calories.  I have to understand that absolutely no one is effected by this except me. How am I affected?  By cheating on calories, I allow myself to think that it's okay for me to over indulge. When I eat more, I lose less.  When I weigh more, my clothes don't fit.  When my clothes don't fit, I feel like a slob.  When I feel like a slob, I behave like a slug.  It's a vicious circle, so please dear self, be honest!


If only my body would. I think I need the sauna.

Just Own It!

Two years ago, the driver of the car that hit my daughter Haylee (while she was walking her dog Lola), received her sentence for a (reduced) charge of attempted leaving the scene.  As seen in this local news article:   Hit and Run in Swanton One of the items on the sentence was: for her to have no contact with our family except for writing a 200-word letter of apology.  I'm here to say, we have yet to receive that letter.   So in the two years since sentencing and nearly three years since the accident, the driver cannot come to terms with the consequences of her actions. As I was driving home today, I was stuck behind a black Ford Focus, the same type of car in the accident.  Whenever that happens,  I am reminded of the day that changed my life, but more importantly Haylee's life and the life of the driver of that vehicle.  I am reminded that we still do not know the real story.  Because of that, there is limited closure. My 'closure' comes from the idea in my


It's the 3rd Saturday of January and it is supposed to be near 60 degrees.  In fact, it's already 46°! Since I woke up at my usual weekend time of 6:30 or 7:00, (I do have a dog) I plan to get things done.  After breakfast I will head to the YMCA for a 30 minute cardio workout.  I hope to do strength and stretching before I head home. By then, it should be just a little bit warmer and my (fatter than usual) dog Aiden and I will head to the nearby park for a walk.  He hasn't been walked much since my foot troubles.   (So we're both 'fatter' than usual! ) Soon all that will change as we get back to our normal active selves.  I'm just wondering what that will look like. Enjoy your weekend!

Change Day

Today is Inauguration Day - the day we commence a new president.  I love to watch all of the pomp and circumstance.  I love to watch history in the making.  The process of electing our new president caused great discourse in our country.  Personally, my candidate was not elected.  That being said, I've had time to grief that loss in November and now is the time to support the change. I have to believe that change is good and our country is already great and will continue to be.


Back in the bag they go. About 14 months ago, long before my 1st foot surgery in March and even before I wore a boot for a month, I tried orthotics, to help relieve my foot pain.  They didn't help then.  They didn't help after the first surgery.  I even gave them another chance after the second surgery.  Why? I'm a slow learner I guess.  I was still in pain, so I thought the orthotics would work.   But today, after wearing them for five days in a row, resulting in the most all over body pain I've had in a long time, I decided NO more!  I don't need them.  I wear good shoes.  Shoes with arch support equal or better to the orthotics.  (They were probably at war with each other and the alignment of my body was the casualty.) I'm looking forward to feeling better.

Balcony People

When we're born, our mom & dad are our first 'cheerleaders'.  They encouraged us to walk and to talk and explore.  Soon friends and other family members join the group of people that help us to develop into the people we become.  Each member of the group encourages us in different areas.  Life is hard so we all need encouragement along the way. Sometimes I feel like I've lost all of my people; I feel like my balcony is empty.  Those are the times I need to remind myself of how great of a job my balcony people did.  I grew to be an independent, self sufficient woman.  It is then that I hope that I am a balcony person to others.

Forgot I Wore Glasses!

Yep!  Today, as I was about halfway to work, I realized that I was not wearing my glasses.  Who does that? When I got home, I found them on my dresser, right where I left them.

Choose Love

It's MLK Day and I had to go to work.  I get alot done at work when there are no students.

Pilates Reformer

I purchased this AeroPilates Reformer six years ago as a present for my 50th birthday.  I used to use it 2 or 3 times a week.  Eventually, I used it 2 or 3 times a month.  I've made a promise to myself, to use this at least once a week for 30 minutes.  I've been doing well so far this year, as I've been making time for it on Sunday. I really noticed a difference during today's 30 minute workout:  I'm getting better at this!  After three Sundays and a few other days of just a 10 minute effort, I will soon progress to the next level of workout.  Yeah Me!


The dictionary defines perception as a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression.  Becoming aware of something is the first step to change and during the past twelve weeks, I have been (re)educated on the health of my body.  I have metabolic syndrome: a high risk factor for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.  Although this is not good news, it is good that I am aware of it and can change my risk factors. Ten years ago, I weighed 240 pounds.  I was taking medicine to reduce my low HDL cholesterol and overall, I felt terrible.  To be honest, I looked terrible too.  So I entered and won a contest that afforded me a personal trainer, YMCA membership, and the Healthy Solutions program from Mercy Weight Loss.  The program lasted nine months and I lost 90 pounds and no longer required medicine.  I felt great! I learned how to eat well, exercise daily, and I felt good...for about five years.  Then life happened, stress increased and I stop

33 Years Old

Happy Birthday Haylee.  This is last year's photo.  We're heading out now to celebrate you! Love Mom!

Hidden Health Costs

I had three appointments today:  Massage, Physical Therapy (PT), Group Lifestyle Balance (GLB).  So many that I had to take a half day at work.  It also put my weekly total of appointments to six. I love, need, and want to go to these places. But there's a downside-the copay.  I actually spent $160 this week alone in co-pays or reduced cost amount for my health. That's almost as much money as my daily wage. That means that every week, nearly one day's pay goes towards medical costs.  That is not a good ratio!  My budget states/allows medical at about a days wage per month! I need a second job to help pay for this!  Wait - I have a second job at the YMCA.  I need chocolate!


I haven't had my glasses a week and I was really getting used to them.  I'm back to loving to drive again, even at night!  And tonight I was thinking, wow, I don't even mind driving at night in the rain that much. Then, I arrived at my destination, got out of the car and learn what it's like to wear glasses in the rain. I can't walk, because I can't see!  How have people survived this for so long? What are strategies?  Do you keep your head down?  Must I always have an umbrella, even for drizzle? The things I've yet to learn.

Relatively Pain Free

What?  Did I really title this post with pain free?  Perhaps I should clarify a little.

Massage Monday

It's been a while since I've had a massage Monday, but Tony at 3D Wellness  squeezed me in to help me resolve the mystery of numbness in my left thumb and right pinkie that I've been having since my foot surgery.  I think my whole body is out of whack from wearing a boot and/or using crutches and knee scooter for six months during the past 12 months! Turns out, my neck and shoulder muscles were pretty tight.  (I'm sure that's not related to everyday stress...she said sarcastically!)  So after about an hour of massage and manipulation, I'm looser for sure.  My hip and legs are in need too so I hope to get back soon for more relief.    This who foot pain experience has taught me something:  don't let things get this bad before seeking help.  I am also learning that I need to get back into my regular monthly massages with my regular masseuse,  I will find the time and the money to take care of my muscles!


I love soup in the winter!  Well, I love soup all of the time but especially on a cold winter's day.  I just finished some split pea and ham soup that I made with leftovers from the holidays.  Chicken noodle has also been a favorite this week as two of my roommates are suffering from colds. I recently purchased some organic tomato soup at Costco which of course I pair with a grilled cheese sandwich.  I also made a 15 bean soup which lasted about three days.

Brrrr It's Cold

The temperature has been in single digits for too long, so I finally broke down and put the flannel sheets on my bed.  Most people probably put them on earlier but although I like the fact that the bed is not as cold when I enter it without flannel sheets, I don't like how they dry my skin out.  Does this happen to anyone else?

A Good Day!

I feel pretty good today!  I ate well and got a 30 minute workout in at the YMCA.  The longest one since my surgery in September. I can see better and better with my new glasses and I got alot accomplished at work.

Seeing Clearly Again

Progressive Lens After wearing 'readers' for the past 16 years, I finally broke down and got an eye exam.  I think the last time I had an eye exam was 1979!  I left an hour later with a couple of hundred dollars less in my wallet, and an order for progressive lenses in the cute frames I liked. Today I received my glasses.  I was nervous and excited.  I put them on and I could see!  Let me rephrase that:  I could see straight.  If I looked down, up, or was blurry.  I'm thinking to myself, what have I done?  The optometrist said this was all normal and my eyes or my brain would adjust.   So I left, enjoying how clear the road straight ahead was. It's been four or five hours since then, and things have really improved.  I'm writing this blog with my laptop on my lap.  And the screen looks pretty clear!  I love my new Coco*Song Eyewear.   I guess my frames are made of satin and have a feather in them!  --- The feather made me think of the wands in

All Calories Are Not Equal

I know, I've stated the obvious: all calories are NOT equal.  I couldn't eat the amount of broccoli it would take to equal the calories in a beer. (3 cups of broccoli = 1 light beer) Now if only I could get this through my head. I've been going to GLB (group lifestyle balance) classes for over two months.  In class, we learn about what can happen to our body if we don't take care of it.  We learn how to eat right and count calories.  We spent alot of time talking about how being overweight effects our organs, joints, and mental state.  We figured out how many fat grams and calories we should eat each day to achieve a healthy weight. My personal targets are 1500 calories and 42 grams of fat.  So each week I can eat 10,500 calories and 294 grams of fat.  I'm pretty good at staying close to my calorie intake 5 of 7 days each week - but my weekly grams of fat are always over 400!  Where does all the fat come from?  Cheese, chocolate, nuts, and peanut butter are

Back to Work

For Your Health I finally returned back to teaching my Teen Fitness Center Orientation class at the YMCA today.  The last class I taught was in September, prior to my 2nd foot surgery.  It's good to be back as it makes me go to the YMCA which increase my chances of working out.  As we know, the hardest part to working out is walking through the doors of the gym. The good news is, they got alot of new equipment.  Equipment that uses tech to track your workout!  I'm thrilled as the tracking will encourage me and keep me on track.  I immediately created an ID and linked up all the apps I could and created my first goal - 3 workouts a week for 2 weeks!

Track the Water

My hydrate water bottle tracks my intake! Since October, I've been trying to eat more vegetables and drink more water.  I have not been doing a good job on either. So I purchased a techie water bottle.  Each of the eight lights on the top light up as I drink 8 fluid ounces.  I started using it yesterday and today I noticed it reset itself in the middle of the day - so I read the directions! I learned that I had to change the setting from noon - when I started using it to either the beginning or end of the day to prevent it from resetting again.  Hopefully, that's all I need to do, except, keep it with me, filled with water, and use it! I also made it to the YMCA for a short workout.  I went 1 mile on the AMT.  It took me less than 15 minutes...but not the less than 11 minutes that I used to do prior to surgery last year.  I don't want to over do it.  So I'm going to work up to more time.

Begin Again

My Family Then Ten years ago, won a contest called Weigh in to Win that changed the path my health was on.  It started in January and was completed in October.  At the beginning, I weighed over 240 pounds and was taking meds for cholesterol and triglycerides. After nine months of healthy eating and personal training, I was reduced to 156 pounds and had no need for meds.  Now it's 2017 and after a two foot surgeries and more than a year of inactivity, I'm at 203 pounds and have metabolic syndrome.  I'm almost pre-diabetic. If I continue on this path, I'm sure develop Type 2 Diabetes. It's time to start putting my health first again.