
I think it's a tragedy when traditions are let go or forgotten.  When this happens, a connection is lost to the people in your group, family, or society.  It is a sense of loss of self for an individual, an individual like me. 

As I get older, I remind myself that many of the traditions I grew up with have changed to meet the needs of our family. This may have happened out of necessity:  Like the tradition of going to Grandma's house for breakfast/brunch after church on Sunday.  After grandma died,  so did the tradition.  Sometimes traditions change because the priorities of the people have change...if no on goes to church anymore, than how do you meet to have breakfast afterwards.

Change in any form makes me feel uncomfortable.  Sometimes it's for the good, for growth of my spirit.  And sometimes it's not so good, a loss of my spirit.  Either way it's something I have to learn to accept and find a way to help our family traditions morph into a better version or start a new one.


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